Ella forer to attack Wendy pner in dramatic scene emmerdale’s Ella Forster attacks Wendy Posner next week amid high drama on her
30th birthday Ella is pushed to Breaking Point as she faces a painful reminder of her dark past the drama begins when Ella’s friend
Mandy Dingle discovers that she’ll soon be turning 30 Ella wants a low-key day as her birthday is also the anniversary of the tragic
day she killed her friend Joanne when they
were both 11 years old however Mandy is determined that Ella should celebrate her Milestone and offers her a full Beauty treatment at the salon Mandy takes before and after pictures to Showcase Ella’s transformation but she crosses the line when she posts them on the beauty salon’s social media Pages without permission Ella loses it with Mandy reminding her that she doesn’t want to draw unnecessary attention to herself due to criminal history Liam kavat is concerned as he spots Ella smashing her birthday cake in a rage
Ella heads off to the foot bridge to cool down but Liam approaches and offers to accompany her to her birthday party although Ella accepts Liam’s offer and tries her best to enjoy the day things go wrong when Joan’s cousin Gary arrives in the village to confront her over the past Gary fuels Ella’s guilt by handing her a photo of Joan Ella is devastated and tries to rush off but Gary follows in a tense Pursuit when Ella falls to the ground amid the chaos Wendy users her away from Gary and off to the GP
surgery to be checked over in the waiting room Ella’s