emerdale news YouTube channel hope everyone is saving a wonderful day before we begin please hit the subscribers
button and give this video a thumbs up at the end of the previous week Tom King struck Bell dingle’s dog Piper killing
her shocking viewers of emerdale ever since Belle returned from her trick to Scotland Tom has made an effort to re-enter
her life life thankfully Belle has become more resilient with every date that goes by and frequently informs Tom that she is
done with him Tom set out to exact retribution on Friday August 16 following Belle’s humiliation of him in the pub and her order for him to leave as Sam’s birthday was being celebrated in the wool pack Bill’s family was watching exactly where it happened Tom saw Piper outside wishing well where she had been staying so Belle could spend time with her loved ones while driving down a country road then he gave the automobile Aurora and sped in her direction as horrible as this was it tragically illustrates how
abusers may incorporate their victim’s cherished pets into the abuse and use them as a tool for control producer Laura Shaw stated hearing firsthand stories from domestic abuse survivors it’s clearly all too common that domestic abusers will use the family pet as a weapon amdale developed this plot in collaboration with the charity refuge and the dogs trust Rona gser who was obviously unaware that her colleague was the reason the dog was initially severely injured and Tom had spent the entire previous week trying to save
Piper Tom informed Vel that there was nothing more that could be done naturally heartbroken she bit her tiny pet farewell and then left Tom to euthanize the dog following Piper’s death Tom found himself in a position to console Bell and attempt to reestablish his position in her life however as he tried to be too comforting she suddenly realized that he was the one who had killed Piper Belle remained steadfast even after Rona believed Tom’s account that Belle’s mental health was once again failing and despite Lydia dingle’s
insistence that it was her responsibility for failing to make sure the door at Wishing Well was closed she was fully aware of what had transpired Tom brought a funeral basket bearing Piper name to wishing w