erdale news YouTube channel I hope everyone is having a wonderful day before we begin please hit the subscribe
rs button and give this video a thumbs up strong rumors that Ella Forester the Newbie to emerdale was somehow li
nked to mina Jutla began to emerge after fans discovered Ella was concealing something we are all familiar with Mina
the serial killer who killed Andre Tate Ben Tucker and Lena cavan after being accused of numerous crimes she disappeared from our screens in
2022 but more recently we began to question if we would ever see her again many fans were dubious of Ella’s response when lime revealed the details of Lena’s death in addition we found out that Mina’s buddy had pushed her to pursue a profession in nursing what was Mina’s occupation in the village and medical professional Ellis’s plot was replete with hints so by the time the big surprise arrived we were almost positive she would inform Liam that she had some sort of connection to the person who
killed his daughter a pivotal episode of the ITV soap opera Ella came clean about killing her childhood best friend actress Paula Lane isn’t completely ruling it out even if her character doesn’t currently have any relationship to mina as she told us here for the simple reason that I thought they were really humorous at first I enjoyed reading them since clearly there is no relationship at all unless she had encountered her while incarcerated thus it’s possible that their paths intersecting was just a
theory the majority of people were surprised by that one she remarked summarizing the outree from fans about ellell